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Should I get Hostgator Hosting if My Domain Name is at Xinnet?

Should I get Hostgator Hosting if My Domain Name is at Xinnet?

If you are using a domain name from Xinnet or any other domain registrar, Hostgator is definitely the best option. As you know, the company has been trusted by millions of bloggers and website builders worldwide and they take pride in providing the best quality of hosting products and services. But before you can make your Xinnet domain name to work with your website that is hosted by Hostgator, you must first change the name servers that you will use for your hosting account with Hostgator. This article will talk about the process of changing the name servers. That way, you will be able to use your domain name from Xinnet for your website even if your web hosting service provider is Hostgator.

Determine the Name Servers for your Hosting Account

As mentioned, in order for you to be able to use your domain name from Xinnet, you must first change the name server that you will be using for your Hostgator hosting account. But remember that there are various name servers that are available for you to use so you should be able to identify the most appropriate name server. Take note as well that the name server will vary depending on your type of hosting services and the server that you use.

There is an article on the support portal of Hostgator that talks about how to identify your name servers. So if you are not sure what name server you will use, you better refer to this article. The article is called “what are my name servers”.

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Change the Name Server at your Xinnet Account

Even though Hostgator cannot change the name server for you, they can provide you with steps on how you can change the name server on your account at Xinnet. Here are the steps that they have provided:

Things to Remember

Your email and your website will not be available for you to use within 24 to 48 hours after you made the changes on your name servers. The reason for this is because there will be a DNS propagation that will take place. So if you need to access your email or your website, you must do it right before you change or modify the name servers.

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